Tuesday, December 12, 2006

I have heard it said that Christians are stealing Christmas. Hello-for all those out there who think that, you are wrong.

Christmas has always been a celebration for Christians and everyone-it is the celebration of Christ's birth!

It is those who have tried to replace "Christ"-mas with Santa, getting the best gift, tinsel, the hussle and bussle of shopping, baking, trimming, taking away the singing of Christmas carols, not having the nativity scene anywhere the public might get a glimse of "the birth"-a phenomenon that has been for centuries, the saying of greetings; "Merry Christmas" (by the way, people still say this phrase),etc. It would be a sad day when we no longer celebrate Christmas.

As you go about shopping, preparing for this wonderful season, remember whose birthday we are celebrating-Jesus Christs'.

May you be blessed this Christmas season.

Jesus is the reason for the season.